HomePolitcsOccupational Health and Safety Policy

Occupational Health Policy

politic 33The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Mine Rescue Operations (MRO) is the structural unit responsible for monitoring and coordinating work on occupational control and health, industrial and fire safety requirements at hazardous production facilities.

Oleg Aleksandrovich Krotovich (+375 174 22 14 48), Deputy Chief Engineer - Head of OSHA and MRO

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Mine Rescue Operations (MRO) consists of: Occupational Health and Safety Department, Mine Rescue Team, Emergency and Civil Defense Department.

During the year, units within Occupational Safety and Health Administration perform work aimed at creating safe working conditions and meeting the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Labour Protection" at the Company's workplaces, ensure the organization, planning and execution of fire safety work at production facilities, and the emergency rescue units of Mine Rescue Operations maintain a high level of readiness to carry out the activities provided for in the mine emergency response plans.

Specialists in the Administration work to ensure the safety, health and performance of the company's employees through a system of legislative, local, organizational, technical, therapeutic and hygienic measures. Work on occupational health and safety is complemented by activities to identify, assess and manage health risks.

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In order to reduce the occupational risks associated with the production process, the company's management team revised the current Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) to comply with the requirements of STB ISO 45001-2020. This work resulted in obtaining a certificate of compliance. 


Vision Zero was developed by the International Social Security Association (ISSA) and presented in Singapore on 04.09.2017 at the XXI World Congress on Occupational Safety and Health.

Vision Zero provides a practical management tool. This tool is the Vision Zero Implementation Guide, which includes seven "golden rules" to assist employers in reducing workplace injuries and occupational illnesses.